executiveproducer – Aloe Entertainment http://aloeentertainment.com Tue, 17 Nov 2020 20:12:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 http://aloeentertainment.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/cropped-image6-2-1-32x32.png executiveproducer – Aloe Entertainment http://aloeentertainment.com 32 32 Mary Aloe Executive Producer on “What Is Life Worth” http://aloeentertainment.com/mary-aloe-executive-producer-on-what-is-life-worth/ Thu, 06 Jun 2019 22:43:03 +0000 http://aloeentertainment.com/wp/?p=739 Mary Aloe is super excited to be an Executive Producer on “What is Life Worth” starring Michael Keaton, Stanley Tucci, Amy Ryan, and Laura Benanti, filming in New York now.

Mary Aloe tells us that the Black List script from Max Borenstein is based on Kenneth Feinberg’s memoir. Feinberg, a powerful DC insider lawyer, was put in charge of the 9/11 Fund. He spent almost three years, pro bono, on the case, fighting off the cynicism, bureaucracy and politics associated with administering government funds to victims’ families — and in doing so, discovered what life is worth.

Michael Sugar (Spotlight) will produce alongside Marc Butan, Sean Sorensen, Max Borenstein, Bard Dorros, Anthony Katagas and Keaton. Deepak Nayar, Nik Bower, Andrea Scarso, Amit Pandya, and Stephen Spence will executive produce alongside Allen Liu, Ara Keshishian, Kim Fox, Charles Miller and Edward Fee. In addition, Dean Buchanan, Matthew B. Schmidt, Mary Aloe, and Michael Becker will executive produce alongside Christina Papagjika and Matthew Salloway.

Deadline article HERE!
